Water, Church

07-May-2024 Tuesday
About Kuma

31-October-2019 Thursday
Let's start by praying - they decided to pacify the gushing well in the Russian city with prayer.

14-September-2019 Saturday
To the news about 70 liters of holy water poured on Tver.

21-June-2018 Thursday
Conversations with colleagues near the cooler

01-April-2018 Sunday
palm week

16-April-2017 Sunday
I'm going home in the evening at the Church of the fiery automatic fire. In the Lipetsk temple they sell water. At night it glows brighter than "RusAp".

08-October-2016 Saturday
A little about the church...

19-April-2016 Tuesday
Might be cheap.....

24-March-2016 Thursday
Looks magical

03-December-2015 Thursday
400-year-old colonial church emerges from underwater in Mexico

04-October-2015 Sunday
Sale of holy water.

19-January-2014 Sunday
Holy tap water!
